01525 839809 / 07966 270111 James@WeKnowAV.co.uk


Tecpro is a European manufacturer of ‘two wire’ or, as it is sometimes known, ‘party-line’ or ‘ring’ system which enables a number of people to take part in the same conversation. Each participant can hear all other participants on the same circuit while being able to talk to them simultaneously, so a full ‘duplex’ conversation can take place – similar to a telephone system.

The major applications for these systems are in the theatre, conference, live performance and broadcast markets, though new applications are constantly emerging.


BP511 Single Circuit Beltpack

The Tecpro BP511 Single Circuit Beltpack is a market leader in communications. LEARN MORE HERE

BP523 Dual Circuit Beltpack

The Tecpro BP523 Dual Circuit Beltpack is a market leader in communications. LEARN MORE HERE

MS741 Single Circuit Master Station

The Tecpro MS741 Single Circuit Master Station has two independent intercom circuits. LEARN MORE HERE

SMH210 Single Muff Headset

The Tecpro SMH210 Single Muff Headset is robust and designed for heavy duty use. LEARN MORE HERE

DMH220 Dual Muff Headset

The Tecpro DMH220 Dual Muff Headset is robust and designed for heavy duty use. LEARN MORE HERE

LS351 Single Circuit Loudspeaker Station

The Tecpro LS351 Single Circuit Loudspeaker station is designed to provide local monitoring of a single intercom circuit without the need to wear headphones. LEARN MORE HERE

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