01525 839809 / 07966 270111 James@WeKnowAV.co.uk

HSE-150/SK Headworn Microphone

Headworn Microphone

  • Wide Transmission Range
  • Stable Positioning
  • 3-Pole Mini-XLR Connection
  • Small and inconspicuous
  • Extensive Accessory Set




The Stageline HSE-150/SK Headworn Microphone is suitable for the reproduction of vocals and speech for any kind of audio transmission. A high-quality back electret cartridge of omnidirectional characteristic provides a good sound of a high quality even if the cartridge is not perfectly aligned. An ergonomic design is the reason for both an unobtrusive and secure fit even during extreme head movements.

We Know AV Say

“The Stageline HSE-150/SK Headworn Microphone is inconspicuous, lightweight and offers great value for money.”

For Pricing and Further Information

If you want to learn more about the Stageline HSE-150/SK Microphone, we’d be really pleased to talk to you.

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